heart full hive
SukiTuques are now available at the wonderful heArtfull hive in shelter cove, ca!
owner stephanie has created an inspiring and inviting shop with carefully curated gorgeousness; items, meetings, happenings, and classes.
stop in for some healthy healing vibe and great holiday shopping! have fun shopping here.
it started today
i have been creating hand knitted goods for years. i had a small small itsy-bitsy success selling my one-of-a-kind sweaters years back. (thanks suzanne somers!)
And now i’m here and my good friends have nudged me to finally actually again put my things out there.
so i started …today…
welcome to SukiTuque. thanks for stopping by.
hand made
really. i make everything myself.
i love it.
and it is time consuming.
and it is worth it.
in the past, when i knitted (knat?) for a store in Manhattan, i knitted EVERYWHERE.
on the train, on the subway, walking to school, waiting for my coffee, at the movies (with plastic needles so as not to annoy fellow movie goers with the click click of my needles).
my hands ached up to my elbows, knitting as fast as possible to meet deadlines.
one thing about hand made and deadlines…..they don’t often work together. one can limit the other.
so- i’d say if you under a time crunch, and you’re ordering a hand made item….it might not be the least stressful way to go.